Our Sustainability Promise
We have pledged to support a greener future for the veterinary profession, and for everyone.
Vets have a vital role to play in helping to make sure that their workplaces are more environmentally friendly. They bring a great mix of experience and knowledge to conversations around sustainability. And they are well placed to engage in actions to reduce the environmental impact of the profession, wider industry, and the communities they serve.
We have a nominated sustainability champion in the practice [Vet Rachel] and as a team we continue to challenge ourselves to implement environmental initiatives in practice.
Our focus is in four main areas of the practice:
Practising responsible resource use
Being sustainable in our operation
Using medicines responsibly
Empowering the team
We are ready to take the steps outlined in the Greener Vet Checklist, in accordance with the BVA and Vet Sustain.
Practicing Responsible Resource Use
In 2023 we made the move to paperless invoicing. This was a huge step in reducing our paper usage as a practice. We look to moving to more paper-free systems where possible. This year we also introduced re-usable and re-cyclable collection bags for medicine orders.
Being Sustainable In Our Operation
We ensure environmental legislation compliance, and strive to exceed this. Our team endeavour to practice responsible antimicrobial and parasiticide use. The usage of faecal egg counts prior to dosing has never been higher for our clients. We consistently avoid drug wastage through thorough stocking principles.
Empower The Team
We have a sustainability board on display in our reception office. On which members of the team can provide their own suggestions of eco-friendly developments we could implement. Since 2022 we have been a 'Bee Friendly Practice' a suggestion first implemented by one of our vets.